Sunday, December 12, 2010

What if I never wrote this blog?

"Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave." - Mary Tyler Moore.

My absolute worst fear(besides aliens) is looking back on any part of my life and wondering 'What if?'
As far as we know, we only live one life - and when my life flashes before my eyes my last thought is going to be 'Hell yeah!'
I don't let anything hold me back from doing the things I want to do and sure, I make some mistakes along the way but then I learn lessons. I'm moving forward.

So you make a mistake - at least you went for what I you wanted. Isn't that better than playing it safe and never knowing?

Every decision you make tells you something unlocks a part of you and a fulfilling life means knowing all there is to know about yourself.

Every second we live, is a second closer to the end. The question is - how do you want to see your life when it's coming to a close?

Yeah I know, this sort of impulsive attitude could get me into trouble and believe me; it does. But I have no regrets and so much insight. Wait, wait, wait... time to backtrack.

I just lied.
I do have one regret, it's only a week old and I'm already thinking 'What if?' which just proves my point even further - JUST DO IT! Obviously have the sense to make good judgement, don't do something that's going to get you killed. This sort of philosophy doesn't apply to every aspect of life, but if you have common sense you'll see it can apply to a lot.

Anyway, now I know for a fact that I have to take every chance and opportunity the gets thrown my way. Because those opportunities rarely come back around. And sure, this wasn't something HUGE that I will regret not doing for the rest of my life - but this minor inconvenience could have been avoided if I had stuck with my own beliefs.

Which starts a whole new topic about being true to who you are and your beliefs because at the end of the day that's all you have but I'll save that one for later.

1 comment:

  1. Miss,
    Your writing is extraordinary! First of all it's a heck-of-a-lot of responsibility to be yourself. It's much easier to be someone else. You're obviously the former. Your writing is risky and that's what drew me to it.

    I'm gone ~Poof!~
